Traveling Mentorships — Oregon Tails

Season 2 of our podcast DOGS is now live!


Traveling mentorship



Traveling Mentorship brings us into your world, helping in real-time build skills and work with behaviors and different situations. Catered specifically to the needs and desires of your organization, business, individual, family and the dog(s) we will be working with. Whether it is one dog, two dogs or a group, we will go over in detail how we would go about solving a problem or dissolving unwanted behavior(s), and replacing them with more connection, harmony and understanding.



Our dog handling comes from a foundation & practical application of the Jentle Method and working with the Oregon Tails Pack which has consisted of up to 50+ dogs per day off and on lead. We use the Jentle Method form of dog handling in all aspects of life with dogs. Therefore this program will have the Jentle Method incorporated into it. Note* A participant doesn’t need to have participated in a workshop or have read the Jentle Method book before participating.


Cancelations one month+ before the mentorship program will result in a full refund, minus a processing charge. Cancellations within a month of the mentorship program, will result in a partial refund which includes a deduction of 25% from the total amount, plus a processing charge.


$1,250 = one day
$900 = multiple days (max 4 days)

Note* Price may vary due to travel


4-6 hrs per day with subject matter and timing being agreed upon before program begins.


We will be traveling during the Fall - Spring each year. Applicants should offer multiple date options. Once the application has gone through we will confirm specific dates and the location we will be meeting at.


The dog will start following you when you start following them.”


Curriculum overview

  • The Jentle Method™; how we apply it, when we apply it, and the changes we look for in dogs once applied with them

  • How we help dogs with timidness, anxiety, reactivity, numbness, immaturity, heaviness, as well as overly-sensitive dogs

  • Understanding of, and the importance of neutral energy, including what it looks like, what it means, and how we use our energy and movement to bring a dog(s) to a neutral state

  • How we teach dogs and reinforce new behaviors and skills; such as ‘come’ and ‘leave it’

  • What to look for when managing the dogs when they are transitioning and moving from one task to another, such as moving from a home or kennel to a vehicle or open space, from on-lead walking to off-lead free play, crossing thresholds, etc.

  • Specific ways to apply praise, gain or reinforce eye contact, and teach/maintain personal space (to name a few)

  • How we communicate with dogs, both audibly and with energy, so as to not rely on the use of treats, physical touch, corrections, or dominance

  • How we guide a group of dogs as a whole and manage individual personalities when there is a new stimuli in the environment

  • On-leash & off-leash work; our formula for moving and guiding a group of 5 - 50+ dogs both in structured hiking, free play, or socializing

  • How to begin the day with each dog; checking in with the dogs state of Being and energy to gather information in order to best guide them

  • How to best organize / situate dogs during transportation from one point to another while maintaining neutral energy in vehicle